Term Name: dwcore:HigherGeography
Label: Higher Geography
Term IRI: http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/HigherGeography
Term version IRI: http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/version/HigherGeography-2007-04-17
Modified: 2009-04-24
Definition: The names (concatenated and separated) of geographic elements less specific than the information in the Locality element. "LIKE" or "contains" substring query operations are meant to be used with this element to find matching geographic names. This can be useful if it is unclear in which element a name might be found, and in cases where there is no other appropriate geographic element. Example: "South America, Argentina, Patagonia, Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Neuquén, Los Lagos" with accompanying values "South America" in Continent, "Argentina" in Country, "Neuquén" in StateProvince, and Los Lagos in County.
Type: Property
Note: This term is no longer recommended for use.
Replaces: http://digir.net/schema/conceptual/darwin/2003/1.0/HigherGeography
Is replaced by: http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/higherGeography

Metadata about this term are available in the following formats/serializations:

Description IRI
HTML file (this document) http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/HigherGeography.htm
RDF/Turtle http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/HigherGeography.ttl
RDF/XML http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/HigherGeography.rdf
JSON-LD http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/HigherGeography.json

For complete information about the set of terms that includes this one, see http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/